Finding Our Morals – The Green Stimulus
By Jim Crawford
Earlier this week the governments of Britain and Germany announced the re-opening of their economies will place an emphasis on clean energy and building a sustainable economy. As our CFO, Hanan Levin, has alluded to since the pandemic began, the restart of the economy will almost certainly require “going green.”
The coronavirus has halted the global economy in ways many didn’t believe were possible. It has revealed how global and demanding human infrastructure is – how a seemingly simple event can have ripple effects that amplify across industries and systems.
The benefit to this shutdown is the opportunity it provides for us to reflect on those systems – personally, socially, and globally. At CoPeace we don’t want to “get back to normal.” The old normal wasn’t equitable and didn’t properly value the health of people and planet.
Throughout continuing lockdown efforts, we have seen just how quickly the planet flourishes – record low air pollution, wildlife returning to local habitats, and countries permanently shutting down coal plants.
So when will the economic uncertainty end? Probably with something like the American New Deal, which pulled the United States from ongoing economic collapse. Many governments seem to be evaluating a “green stimulus package” that would involve getting people back to work by building sustainable energy and infrastructure.
The benefits to a plan are numerous: jobs for the unemployed and which cannot be automated, sustainable energy, and a revitalized infrastructure capable of handling 21st-century technology.
At CoPeace, we have the same vision and drive to create a new sustainable impact investing economy. We believe capitalism also needs to shift to value people and planet. We hope to provide a system that is democratic and accessible to everyone for long-term investing – where making money is aligned with doing good.
After all, what is profit without people or planet?
Jim Crawford formerly worked with CoPeace in business communications. As a forward-thinking holding company, CoPeace is building a portfolio of carefully selected for-profit companies with measurable social and environmental impact. To learn more about impact investing, check out CoPeace’s Intro to Impact Investing.
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