Monday marked World Oceans Day 2020, a day to celebrate the lungs of our planet and provide calls to action to help protect them. Our little blue marble depends on healthy, vibrant oceans to thrive. Each year, the United Nations selects a “theme” for this day. This year’s World Oceans Day theme is “Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean.”
CoPeace strongly believes the status quo must change to give justice to underserved communities and protect our climate. It is critically important to highlight businesses and organizations providing innovative solutions to our growing climate crisis, no doubt! However, the actions taken by individuals lay the foundation for change at the local, national, and global levels. The Buddha said, “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of that candle will not be shortened.”
You can be the change you wish to see in the world. Here are a few habits you can develop to help protect our oceans today:
1. Conserve water. Take shorter showers, or better yet take a relaxing bath instead! Turn off the faucet while shaving or brushing your teeth. Use a dishwasher instead of cleaning your dishes by hand.
2. Avoid single-use plastics. No, Karen, you’re not saving the oceans with just your metal straw. Of the 8 million tons of plastic that flow into our oceans each year, straws comprise just 0.025% of that. Instead, avoid plastic bags, bottles, and containers. Try to find reusable storage containers, travel cups, and bags.
3. Shop ethically sourced seafood and fish responsibly. If you are able to do so, try to purchase seafood from trusted, local, ethical vendors. Better yet, go vegetarian or vegan! If you do fish, follow local regulations and “catch and release” procedures.
4. Sign petitions/Volunteer/Donate. This petition on WorldOceansDay.org is a great place to start! If you live near a beach, volunteer in beach cleanup projects.
Jacob Miller is a financial analyst at CoPeace. As a forward-thinking holding company, CoPeace is building a portfolio of carefully selected for-profit companies with measurable social and environmental impact. To learn more about impact investing, check out CoPeace’s Intro to Impact Investing.
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