You “cannot f’ing throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time.”
– Giselle Bundchen
As the dust settles on the recent Tampa Bay Super Bowl win, and each side licks their wounds or celebrates in a parade, I am reminded of a poignant comment the current Super Bowl MVP’s partner, Giselle Bundchen, made after his 2012 Super Bowl defeat…”My husband cannot f’ing throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time.”
Giselle basically summed up, not only the same problem Patrick Mahomes faced nine years later, who at one point threw a perfectly placed ball while in midair completely parallel to the ground, only to have it dropped in the end zone by his receiver. She also described EVERY entrepreneur trying to build the right team to launch the success of their startup, while on a shoestring budget.
Great teams win games (this is my last sports metaphor, I promise) – and great teams also win in business. How do you do it and manage the budget while facing an already struggling economy during a pandemic? The answer is fractional support!
Can you afford a full-time CFO with six-figure salary per year? This is not the question you should be asking yourself. Instead, what financial support do you need to reach your goals and can it be parsed out for fractional work through a project?
Many of the companies that look to raise funds usually allocate a large percent for personnel hiring, which might not be needed all the time, depending on the stage of the company. They struggle to find the right talent within the constraints they are faced. Consider the ability for entrepreneurs to have access to high–level professional support on a project basis to help them move forward with their goals. The advantage of avoiding the high cost of experienced professionals on a full–time basis is a lot like hiring the star receiver just for the big throw (ok, that was the last one).
Hanan Levin is a Senior Investment Advisor at CoPeace. As a forward-thinking holding company, CoPeace is building a portfolio of carefully selected for-profit companies with measurable social and environmental impact. To learn more about impact investing, check out CoPeace’s Intro to Impact Investing.
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